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For Executives, Entrepreneurs, Sales Professionals & Other High Performance Men & Women and Those Who Want to Be

MINDSET: Every Aspect of Your Life Comes Down to Your Mindset

MISSION: Define Your Goals & Objectives

MOVES: All the Moves Needed for a High Performance Life

Please Watch The Video & Book a Time Below to See How You Can Get Similar Results

Discover The book(Written under the Nom de Plume of A. Thomas Perhacs)

Access Your Mindset, Mission & Moves With The Process That Has Never Failed...

We break things down very simply so you can achieve maximum results in the shortest amount of time. Our systems, tools and mechanisms work. With your first hour, you'll have a mindset shift that empower you to do great things.

discover the Mindset the empowered have that others do not...

Access Your Mindset, Mission & Moves With The Process That Has Never Failed...

We break things down very simply so you can achieve maximum results in the shortest amount of time. Our systems, tools and mechanisms work. With your first hour, you'll have a mindset shift that empower you to do great things.

Hi, I'm Alvin T. Perhacs  It's great to see you!

Welcome to the home of The Mind Force Method of High Performance Coaching & Mentoring. What you'll find here are unique methods and strategies to Up-Level both your professional and personal performance. My goal is to provide for you a blueprint that will allow you to let go of the past traumas that might be holding you back. 

After more than 20 years of coaching and mentoring, I have identified that about 80% of the time, my coaching clients and mentees have deep seeded issues that need resolving before they can move to that next impressive level...

Through my study of energy, hypnosis, meditation and other esoteric types of studies I'm able to shift anyone's mindset in less than one hour and help them to begin a process of mental and emotional restoration. We all carry baggage from childhood that affects us as adults and until these issues are resolved, you won't have the clarity needed to get to that next level of attainment.

As a business consultant and coach, I have used my unique insights to propel organizations to higher levels of growth including benchmarking metrics, training sales teams, integration of sales & marketing and specializing in all aspects of email marketing with an emphasis on revenue and engagement.

I do 30 minute "Mindset Strategy" calls every week for those who want a glimpse of how I can assist them to get the mindset shift, focus and clarity needed. Click here to book a call with me, you'll be glad you did...

Marley morgan

Business Development Specialist

“Al Perhacs has a level of impeccable perfectionism  that I’ve never witnessed anywhere else in any other coach or mentor.  I’ve worked with, and studied all  the best of the best…mindset, energetics, psychics  and healers.  He’s the masters’ master.“ 

-- Marley Morgan – Entrepreneur and Life Coach

Meet The Man and His Revolutionary "Method"...

Who is the coach and mentor that executives, entrepreneurs, athletes, and even actors turn to when they need the hidden secrets to being able to breath, release & let go of past traumas while maintaining anonymity in their high profile career?

Some people call A.Thomas "Al" Perhacs the “Mind Force Mentor”. Others call him “The Godfather of Letting Go” or “the world’s BEST kept secret”. Al’s career is the stuff of esoteric and high performance legend. His accomplishments and unique way of taking hard to understand concepts and converting them into layman's terms are frequently the topic of high-level insider shop talk.

For over three decades, his books, systems and techniques have empowered thousands from all over the world to Energize, Hypnotize, and Magnetize the power in their life. His proven track record and methods have secured him corporate clients, celebrities and high level martial artists. All sales and conversation are held in close secrecy.

He’s been actively teaching both online and offline for over 25 years. He's a pioneer in creating high performance esoteric training systems for starters and pros alike.

But none of those “bragging rights” or “claims to fame” really matter much to Al. See… the real reason so many people (including the executives, athletes, and celebrities) seek him out, and the reason you’ve probably never heard his name come up more than once isn’t any of those things.

Al’s real gift for everyone, including you, if you’re looking to create personal breakthrough and transformation, is his LEGENDARY MIND FORCE METHOD. If you ask your “guru”, mentor, coach or trainer what their process is for energy, meditation, psychic power, manifestation, mindset domination and healing, odds are it will track back to Al’s MIND FORCE METHOD.

Top HIGH PERFORMANCE INDIVIDUALS seek out the hidden methods and secrets of this system. ALL hale Al as a source of their methods and success. It’s his students and their accomplishment that tell the tale and explain why you NEED TO LEARN THE SECRETS of this man’s game-changing MIND FORCE METHOD – IMMEDIATELY.

what people say


Just a Few of the High Performance Men and Women at a Recent Workshop in Los Angeles, Who

Activated The Mind Force Method for Themselves...

If you notice, everyone in the above picture have their "Master Pass" in hand. The $3,000 Master Pass empowers them with the up-level secrets of ultra high performance men and women. See below and get your Access Pass Today!

Each week I do 5-10 "Mindset Strategy" sessions (depending on my schedule). These calls last about 20-30 minutes and will empower you to make more confident moves in your life.

Standard hourly rate is $500/hr.

Control, Confidence & Clarity Call

Gain Mindset Control, Get Confident & Find Your Clarity

Set up your FREE Call with Al Perhacs (Author, Creator & Visionary of The Mind Force Method) to uncover your strengths and identify the areas where you can improve. You're probably closer to being a High Performance individual than you ever could imagine.

What Should I expect on the call?

Am I Going to Be Sold Something?

Why Is This FREE?

What Happens After The Call?

Once you get clarity and then become an ACTION TAKER in life,  you will have the confidence to take control of those areas in your life that you want to transform and elevate to a new and better level. 

Voted Best Esoteric Coach & Mentor
Customers served! + 100 cOACHING STUDENTS
Customers served! 100 k Downloads
Imagine if I could take all the knowledge in my mind and transfer it to your mind? All the knowledge, all the moves, all the tools without you having to spend 28+ years of trial and error and learning curve like I did trying to even find people to learn from. If money were of no object WOULD YOU BE INTERESTED?

I'd Like to Give to You My Updated Manuscript: Instant Mind Force  

FREE Blueprint Shows You The Exact Methods to Empower Your Mind Exponentially...

  • Discover the Mind Force Framework that High Performers Use but Others Don't
  • Learn the truth behind how you can super charge your subconscious by doing these few simple things.
  • Uncover the most effective way to increase your self image to become a generator of power.
  • Use the special "Block Technique" to stop unwanted negative thoughts from invading your mind.
  • Why these 6 laws work and how you can get them to work almost overnight (simple hack revealed to get a 10X lift on getting them to work)

Resources & Events

Discover Your Greatness Today!

  • Workshops

  • Books & Courses

  • Video Training


Launched august 2022

The Immersion Code

online portal & LIve training



The Immersion Code for Real Estate Professionals (Launching Soon)

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The 7 Day Inception Protocol Challenge for Professionals

Live class with web portal
