For the first time...The expert who teaches how to COMBINE ENERGY with MINDSET DOMINATION helps YOU unleash explosive powers you've kept chained up since childhood!
Finally: Discover The Simple Mind Shifts to Make Life Give YOU What You Desire...
Watch the short 4 minute video below to understand exactly how to do these secret "Mental Shifts".
Your Secret Accelerator That Will Supercharge Your Results And Help You Transform 10x’s Faster….And Breakthroughs Year Round!

Now, at Last, The World Famous Author, Creator & Visionary of The Mind Force Method Reveals Natures Own Key to Reaching & Controlling The Subconscious For Health, Wealth, Vitality & Overall Abundance
Imagine a method, a system so powerful that it allows you to build and create extreme dominance in your mind, energy and spirit...
Many masters went to their grave without revealing to you what I'm about to.
In fact many of the techniques, concepts and exercises are being released because of the fact that many of who taught me these things are no longer around and I want the world to finally see these realities...
A System So Powerful, Some of My Own Instructors Won't Even Utter My Name For Releasing These Secrets

...A System That Reveals The Secrets To Creating The "Master Control Panel" For Your Life.
A Control Panel you can rely on day after day, month after month and year after year. These are lifelong changes.

A Set Of Techniques That Is Available To All Who Dream Of A Better Life...
A better life means you being in control of your mind and directing it the way you want to demand of it the results you want. The days of wishing are over. You can now be in control.

All Who Want To Increase Their Vitality, Energy And Learn The Astonishing Methods Of "Mindset Domination"...
Don't be intimidated by the word domination because this will allow you the full and complete control over your mind and if I can be frank, other people's minds as well...

All Who Want More Wealth, Power And Prestige...
All wealth, power and prestige are built in the mind first. All great achievements begin in your mind. Learn to harness it's creative power for wealth accumulation.

All Who Deeply Want More Amazing Relationships And Potent Sexual Life...
A life without great loving relationships is not really a life at all. Discover how to attract the relationships in your life and bolster your sexual potency.

All Who Want To Conquer Fear, Doubt, Worry, Anxiety And Pain...
Release your pain, anxiety, doubts and fears for the last time. Create a new persona who doesn't let these things hold them back-- EVER!
The Mind Force Method Accelerates The Best of You...
Now, don't let some of these words intimidate or frighten you.
Many people shy away from such powerful forces...
Yet how can a force which relieves stress instantly--That does away with pain and depression--That does away with confidence issues...
A force that has been proven to be the greatest power in the world for advancing oneself-- A technique you can use anywhere at anytime-- At your disposal 24 hours per day, 7 days per week!
How can this be anything but a marvelous force for good?
These astonishing techniques are part of The Mind Force Method, a series of exercises you use in privacy...
With The Greatest of Ease & Safety...
These specific Mind Force techniques have been tested and perfected over the last 25 years with thousands of successful adepts from all over the world.
Mind Force will help you to control fears-- stop being triggered so easily--Change bad habits overnight into good ones--Turn sorrows into joy and bliss--Transform defeats into overwhelming victories-- A natural euphoric and blissful force God given to every one of us.
It is an infallible way of relaxing the mind, body and spirit completely and effortlessly...
It naturally brings back feelings of vitality & vigor no matter your age or gender...
It enables fantastic powers for use in study, learning, work, thinking & most important an overall ability to focus on what's most important in your life...
Your Dashboard for Living a Life of Total Control and Power
Through these specially designed and highly secretive Mind Force techniques you learn self-confidence beyond anything you've ever dreamed of...
You acquire a memory that is awesome in its dimensions...
You say goodbye to depression and unhappy moods forever...
You get rid, almost instantly of mental blocks that have disrupted your life...
You bury phobias and other habits that are holding you back and now face the world with a new found power and confidence.
You liberate your natural thinking ability. Instead of just using 10% of your mind, you release the explosive 90% that you've kept chained up.
Literally multiplying by 10, 20, or even one hundred times the brain power at your disposal.
And here's a side benefit that you should get excited about instantly.
This will make you richer faster than anything imaginable.
These Mind Force techniques usually work the first time and for some even faster.
Once you start, you'll be able to reach 100% brainpower and start building your money consciousness at a phenomenal rate...
What Are YOU Waiting For? Get Started Maximizing Every Aspect of Your Life Today...
I'm Giving You Access To My Most Private Mind Force Tools Usually Reserved For My Personal Coaching Clients and Inner Circle Mastermind Members
These are not your regular meditations and subliminals that you find everywhere on the internet for a couple of dollars...
Each audio file is coded to open up a specific area of your mind, body and spirit. Dozens of years have been spent selecting the best of the best to deliver you the results you desire.
In fact, these are the very same tools used by Inner Circle and Up-Level Control members

Now is The Time To Take Action...
I just want to say thanks for the mind force method...
It is like I've been waiting my whole life for these techniques and I don't know if I'm ready, but I'm going to make it happen."
Marlie S.
- California

Gain Knowledge & Get Results
Awesome Sifu
I eagerly anticipate gaining such knowledge as I awaken and travel the course to spiritual enlightenment and elevation.
Kennssen T.
Why Should You Listen to Me? My Name is A.Thomas Perhacs
For 25 years I've been teaching people from all over the world how to use highly esoteric training principles to maximize their energy, vitality, mind force, psychic abilities, manifestation techniques & several healing modalities.
I'm the author of over 20+ courses, master classes, boot camps, coaching programs, best selling training manuals and books through my MIND FORCE LIBRARY as seen below.

Here's Your Chance Ensure You Having Transformations & Breakthroughs Every 30 Days...
Become a Controller & Mind Force Specialist & Set a New Trajectory for Your Life...
If You Really Want to Take Your Life to The Next Level, This is it!
Because you're going to have a lot of amazing tools at your fingertips over the next few weeks, you won’t reach your fullest potential until you’re digging deeper into the trainings and getting some coaching.
If you do all the work over the next 30 days and then quit...well, that won’t put you on the path to success.
As we all know, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Likewise, developing an iron clad mindset that allows you to create massive breakthroughs when ever you need it -- won’t happen overnight.
To see you growing month after month...
Having the freedom you get when you begin to change your mind to dominate instead of just sitting on the sidelines...
Break free from the limitations that have held you back in the past, but will no longer control you ever again...
Learn and apply the methods to create your new persona or what I like to call YOU Version 2.0.
Imagine what your life will be like when you are the controller of your life knowing you are the shot caller...
So, For The Next 12 Months, I Want to Be There With You Right By Your Side...
I'm going to personally introduce you to the tools, methods and skills of the advanced practitioner.
These tools will be like finding Aladdin's Lantern, when you realize month after month you have a set of secrets to move you further along...
Thinks like attracting money & prosperity while others look at you with envy as you are a powerful attracting force.
Create luck when you need it.
Learn how to build confidence whenever you need it for personal or business reasons.

Has Trained with Many High Level Masters
For any serious inner energy cultivator/practitioner, The Inner Circle is the real deal! I have studied with Indonesian Tenaga Dalam (Inner Energy) masters for five years and by far The Inner Circle System training methods have provided me the missing key that I was looking for.
The techniques given seem “simple” at first glance, but sure deliver! Sifu Perhacs definitely knows what he is doing. He provides a safe way to increase one’s energy without the dangerous side effects associated with energy cultivation. I have seen and felt the energy increase in my own training to validate their program.
In my past training, I have experienced many different kinds of techniques and these methods are so efficient that I can practice anywhere and on the go. As for starters, the methods are practical and so useful that they benefit one’s health and vitality right away.
Also, the knowledge included in the courses is so valuable for any serious student of the arts to not pass up. To reinstate again, everything that they offer is really true! A true gem especially in the midst of so many so called energy programs and you don’t have even leave for a foreign country to study.
- CO/Indonesia
Revealed: The Secret Meditations, Incantations, Rituals & Exercises Used By The World's Best Esoteric Practitioners
I know from seeing the results from thousands of people from all over the world in the last 20 years, I know what works and what doesn't.
The biggest key I've found is that the first 30 days of any type of program, habit, curriculum, is the most critical time.
When I take the effort to make sure my clients have a focused strategy for their first 30 days of learning, I know I'm going to get them excellent results.
The science is so good with THE MIND FORCE METHOD, you can't fail as long as you follow the system exactly as prescribed.
The other big key is I made the system simple so that anyone can follow it no matter whether you have experience or not.
Bottom line, if you do what I teach you to do in this 30 Day program, you will have set the correct trajectory for reaching your objective.
It's no accident. It came from years of studying the science behind the mind and body connection as well as digging into many arcane texts to confirm the teachings.
And that's what you will discover as well.
I know from coaching and mentoring others that this works, and I hope you will trust me, or at least the formulas so you can attain the results you desire.
Does This Sound Familiar? (Taken right from emails sent to me)
I've Been Testing & Refining These Exercises & Techniques For More Than 25 Years And Now They Can Be Yours!
Every one of these, I've either tested and proved their effectiveness to myself or those I've been training over the last 25 years. There is no fluff and filler. These are the best of the best when it comes to influencing your mind to reach higher levels of production...
Just Like a Crystal Ball, You'll Not Only See Into Your Future, But Control it More Powerfully Than Ever Before...
Become a Controller & Mind Force Specialist & Set a New Trajectory for Your Life...

"I just want to say thanks for these products...
It is like I've been waiting my whole life for these techniques and I don't know if I'm ready, but I'm going to give it a try."
Gerti D.

It's Not Your Fault...Why Most of the Training Programs You've Tried Failed.
Most Programs TRY to be One Size Fits All...And Fail Miserably:
As one of my mentors said in the past, "Not everyone fits into a size 40 coat".
If your a man who is over 50, or a woman who is 35, you have different wants, desires and needs.
Because this initiative allows you to choose your own adventure, your outcome can be quite different.
What does that mean?
Since the Inner Game is designed specifically to align the force of your mind for your specific outcome, it is customized for you like no other program I offer other than hiring me as your personal coach.
Even when you hire me as your personal coach, you will go through this very same process with the exception that as a personal coaching student you have my attention and feedback immediately.
Other than that, it's pretty much the same.
Self paced, to get you the results you desire...
And I think you'll find that to be amazing.
Fact: You Need an Accountability Program That Is Designed For Your Goals If You Want To Really Want To Step Into That New Version Of Yourself
Most gurus or so called “experts” don’t want to put in the time, energy, research, and money to construct, test, and build a program for each person. It’s hard. So what they do instead is have 1 program and say it works for everyone. It’s a flat out lie.
That's why with The Mind Force Method, you have the option to focus on one of The 6 Pillars, which includes but is not limited to Quantum Qigong, Esoteric Meditation, Psychic Power, Manifestation Abundance, Mindset Domination & Healing Modalities.
Most Guru's Don't Even Have The Skills Themselves, Let Alone Teach it to Others...
The sad reality of the self help world these days is people aren’t in it for the passion or to truly help people get the results they dream of, they are in it to make a quick buck.
This means they will slap together a program not based on science or any kind of repeatable results. They promise people the world, don’t guarantee results, or offer a 100% money back guarantee, and leave people worse than when they found them.
They take people’s money, put them on a bad program that is built for nothing but confusion, frustration, plateaus, and eventually the user giving up from lack of results
I want you to avoid all that and get on a program designed for you to finally succeed now, but to give you the necessary skill sets for the future and that the really amazing part about THE QUANTUM MAXIMIZER SYSTEM.
Each Month You'll Have Several Exercises That Cover a Specific Mind Force Pillar (As Seen Below)

Building high quality energy to create robust vitality and health. Everything in life is energy and knowing how to control the Yang & Yin is a secret that many masters went to the grave with.

Learning Focus & Relaxation as well as getting some unique techniques like OBE and Lucid Dreaming to work for you (if you want). This is often overlooked but is very important

You are "THE CONTROLLER" and can impact every aspect of your life by how you think and what you think. So powerful that you can use it like a double edged sword that can serve you or destroy you. How you think about yourself, your value, and how you get shit done — very important)

Super charged "Self Awareness that allows you to know there is always more than meets the eye. Developing a keen sense of your own self awareness and seeing beyond the "known" into the "unknown". Open up your third eye of power to become more intuitive and perceptive.

You are a healer... Learn how you can impact through Mental, Emotional, Physical healing. Everyone needs to be healed and discover your healing gifts.

How to attract the things you desire. More than money, more than health, this is the generator and integrator of the mind, body and spirit. Discover the real secrets to creating abundance in all you do. Never let this be a worry again.
If You Are Willing To Follow The Chosen Few
Who Handed Down These Priceless Secrets, you Will Drastically Transform Like Thousands Of Others Who Use This System.
It's called putting in the flight time...
All success is based on execution. This process is designed to get you the results you need in "mach speed".
Invest in yourself daily and experience astonishing results like some many have before you.
30 Days of breakthrough and transformation like you've never had before, but more importantly teach you the underlining reasons each concept works and how you can use this forever.
Daily training that takes as little as 15 minutes per day, to get you in the proper mindset to handle all challenges
The routines and rituals in this program engage what is known as the ''Triad Effect'' which makes sure you are engaging your mind, body & spirit at all times. A truly remarkable process.
Short MINDSET DOMINATION sessions that rapidly accelerate self esteem and self confidence significantly.
Meditations arranged to get you results. Fast!
User friendly mobile portal so you can take your training with you on your phone and follow along with ease.
Side note: If you are lazy, don't apply or enroll as this will probably not work for you.
Introducing The Mind Force Quantum Maximizer
It's more than you think...
Imagine having a comprehensive systematic approach that will allow you to gain significant insights into some of the most esoteric training concepts and have a personal metamorphosis at the same time...
That's exactly what this does for you.

Each Monthly Session is a New Adventure That Promises Astonishing Results
Just like you change your workout routine to get better results, the same is true with meditation and other esoteric practices. Each exercise or routine affects a different part of your mind, energy & spirit. Many receive an awakening the first time they try it, but if you need help you can contact us for assistance.
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
The online portal will contain all of training, exercises, meditations and content to get you on your way. Here are just some of the amazing concepts you'll discover.
Get The Following "Fast Action" Limited Time Bonus When You Enroll Today!
Bonus: The Powerful Man &Woman Performance Accelerator

The Powerful Man and Woman guided indoctrination sequence was custom designed for a high level coaching client 10 years ago.
The client was charged $2,500 for this...
It was specifically designed to influence the mind for high performance enhancement.
Originally it was made for a single male client, but eventually it was packaged and sold to females.
The original work was customized to the client and is private and is owned by that client.
The client asked that we not sell it to others for at least 5 years, since it was created specifically for him.
It includes a unique script that breaks down every line, every sentence and hi-lights how every sentence can be designed to create a wave of super focused intent and energy to change the mind.
Truly breakthrough stuff...
Your today when you become a member.

Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed
I guarantee you'll see results providing you follow the prescribed methods contained in this system. I know this system works as it has for thousands of people from all over the world. If you go through all of the exercises and find they don't work for you, I'll continue to work with you until you get them to work... Most of my clients see results quickly, which means they will start to begin the manifestation process. I will show you exactly what you need to do to get magnificent results!
Commitment: Your "Line in the Sand" for Success
WE PROTECT OUR MEMBERS. Once inside you will be privy to proprietary trade secrets and intellectual property that are immediately valuable and actionable, and there is no way to reclaim them. If people are stealing it, it hurts paying members, and
RAPID RESULTS GUARANTEE. Give my Mind Force Quantum Maximizer Monthly Training System a try. If within 30 days, your not absolutely ecstatic with the results you can get all your money back.
And there's more. If you actually do the exercises in the course, create your Morning Ritual & Subliminal Files (and share them with me),complete your strategy call with me, and DON'T feel like this course over delivered, then we'll gladly refund your money.
I'm doing this for two reasons.
1. I think the best way to get people to actually TAKE ACTION and follow through on a course they bought is to offer them "no return." If you can just send an email or make a phone call to get your money back it's much easier to do that than to actually DO the work. I want you to succeed and I think this is the best way to make sure that happens.
2. The type of people who are willing to take a leap of faith to learn something are the type of people I want to work with. They don't make excuses. They don't complain. They want to grow and succeed. They are serious about their business and success.
MIND FORCE QUANTUM MAXIMIZER is a killer system and we want to encourage those who are willing to put some skin in the game. It takes a little work and we don’t want to bring people on board who are unwilling to implement…or not coming to the classes…

Ok, Ready? Let's Do This.You'll Be So Glad You Did...
This Early Bird Pricing Ends Shortly, So Don't Miss Out!

YES! I Want Instant Access Now!

I agree to the terms below and understand that I have a 30 day guarantee for this offer. – I Want To Take Advantage Of Your Extremely Generous Offer For The Mind Force Quantum Maximizer Monthly Now Before it closes. I fully understand I get everything promised and exactly what I need to start creating incredible energy
Your entire package is waiting for you to claim it. Just $39 $29 $19 gets you instant digital access so you can start your journey today.
Have your credit card handy and click the happy orange button below.
Option #1--Mind Force Quantum Maximizer Monthly
$39 $29 Try it for Only $19
(Only 19 One Dollar Bills )
Option #2--Mind Force Quantum Maximizer (Full Year) $99
(Save Over 70%--It's like getting this for only $8/mo )
* Limited time charter member price. Price will be going up to $39/mo or $397/year once promotion period is over.