Use the Same Method that Thousands of Qigong, Reiki, & Healing Practitioners From Around The World Have Been Using For Over 20 Years .
How You Can Use Quantum Qigong to Take Anything You're Doing to Radically Higher Levels...
... making money, relaxation, building confidence , Self Esteem, stress relief and release, exercising, playing, working, business, job, sleeping, meditating, manifesting, even sex... you name it!
Ancient Energy, Vitality & Inner Power Secrets Exposed!
* Move objects with Chi Power without touching them * Move an object with your eyes only * Extinguish a candle flame with your eyes only * For speed faster than a cat, try this test * Lift a bowl of water with Yin Chi * Learn how to make select breaks * Ring the chimes with a Yang Chi throw * Repel bird, dogs, with your eyes only
If you really could do all of the amazing things listed above, you would want to do them wouldn't you? Well, thousands of men, women and even children from all over the world have done those things and more...
What i'm about to share with you is not only highly controversial, but also highly confidential. Over the years, these methods have been used by secret societies, government agencies and even Shaolin Monks. Many of our best clients wish to never reveal the fact they've used this method.
All sales and conversations are held in close secrecy. Accept no substitutions, this is the one and only Mind Force & Quantum Qigong Method.
What I'm about to reveal might shock you. You many not think it's true, but believe me, it is...
That being said, I'm extremely careful who receives this kind of hard to find training and even more careful of who I work with personally.
That's why you've probably noticed, I often times will want to speak to whomever wishes to use these highly guarded and closed door methods...
[If you should wish to speak to me personally, set up a call with me here]
Harnessing your internal Chi Energy is no more difficult than any other skill, you just have to know how to do the technique and use your body the way God created it to be used........
For Your Maximum Potential...
Now if you think this is a bunch of hogwash or hocus pocus, just leave right now and possibly miss out on the opportunity to learn something truly unique, not the same old garbage that is on the Net day after day.........
However, This Could Be Exactly What You Have Been Searching For.
Astonishing Methods of Qi Manipulation Are Revealed In This Curriculum......
As you sit there and start to read these words, you will have a feeling of excitement come over you as you realize that you have an opportunity right in front of you to get information that has been closely guarded for centuries at a price that is less than a night out in the big city!
When you study every word of this information you will be stunned at what you'll learn...
Spend 5 minutes reading this info and I'll show you some things that you will see a tremendous amount of value in.
You are willing to study & apply the information in this course, and train for at least 10 minutes per day, and believe that it will work for you.....
This is A Scientific Method of Development for Your Internal Energy Much The Same Way Bodybuilding is for Your Physical Body
Our course of instruction is truly unique and we promise you won't find this type of information anywhere else......
You don't need any experience and just to let you know, we have 13 year old kids that are able to do many of the techniques listed above and much, much more.....
So read on if you truly want some unique skills.....
This also has nothing to do with magic, witchcraft or any type of tricks....This has to do with training your body how to function at a much higher level and increasing the sensitivity of your body for increased energy production and output....
This also has nothing to do with martial arts training (although it could, if you are a martial artist). This has to do with increasing the internal muscles of the body and increasing your overall energy.
Just like musclemen and bodybuilders lift weights and build up their muscles (external body), this course instructs you how to build up the internal musculature of the body (internal body)......
Although a lot of these techniques were taught to us by Asian, Russian, & American instructors, this doesn't have to do with any specific Religions or Philosophies....
As a matter of fact, we have found that just about every culture and society has an understanding of the true "Internal Chi Training", and we have learned a vast amount of information from Asian, Russian, American Indian, Eastern Indian instructors as well as others from different cultures...
Can You Imagine What It Will Be Like When Your Internal Body Is The Equivalent Of An "Hercules" External Body? You'll Be Able To Do Many More Wonderful Techniques.......
You can read anywhere about using your internal energy and focus, but how many of these so called instructors really know the intricate workings of how to turn your body into a maximized energy conducting generator?
We know what we're talking about....
Well, we know exactly how to do it and we are willing to show you exactly how to do it, step by step in easy to understand language and instruction.
Not only do we show you the proper exercises to increase your chi energy, but we even include extremely one of a kind (never before seen) focus tests to test out your new Chi abilities...
Sounds Too Good to be True Right?
Well one of our customers, Dan Freeman of Michigan said his energy increased so much that one day, his wife almost passed out when she walked in to his personal "Chi Training Room"....
Now that's power...
The same type of power you can have, if your willing to do the work...
And speaking of work...
This is one of the reason why we are willing to expose this information to people...
We realize that to get great skills takes a lot of persistence and hard work, so if you are lazy and don't have a good work ethic, you're better off leaving right now...
Does anyone really believe you can get something for nothing? I never did and as a matter of fact, the universal laws totally rebuke this concept......If you want extra-ordinary skills, you need to put in some work to get the results you want...
The good thing is we have the good stuff, the information you have been searching for and it is available for immediate download in just a few minutes. When you purchase this course today, you are going to get the following:
What You Will Discover in This Dynamic One of a Kind Instruction
Increase Your Health, Longevity & Vitality By Doing Simple Energy Producing Exercises
Although these techniques or parlor tricks (as we like to call them) are cool, the biggest benefit of the training is that you will be increasing your health and longevity.....
The Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Russians, American Indians, and other groups have been using different types of energetic training for hundreds if not thousands of years (their form for our Chi Power Training) to increase their health and longevity. It is not uncommon to see entire groups of people doing Qigong training in a park or outside area on a daily basis in many cultures.......
The most important things you will gain are:
The Most Important Things You'll Gain
Increased Health: By putting your internal body in proper working condition, you are increasing the blood flow, energy flow and using proper breathing methods to clean the toxins out of the body.
Increased Focus: By learning this practice, you will learn the great art of focus. Now you can gain the advantage in business, relationships or sports with your new found ability to focus. This one area can pay dividends for years to come.
Increased Sensitivity and Awareness: Now you will be able to increase the sensitivity in your body so you can be more aware of everything going on around you better. Just like a radio station receives radio waves, you will now be able to tune into more of the energy around you. This skill is .......Priceless.
Plus............Many, many more interesting techniques, concepts and exercises that will allow you to supercharge your energy like a human dynamo.....
WARNING: Do NOT Buy Any Qi Energy or Mindset Coaching Systems Unless it Meets The Following Criteria
01 Is There a Solid System That Works for Men and Women?
Is the system set up to not only teach specific techniques and skill sets, but has a pathway to personal transformation?
02 Is The System Time Tested?
Has the system or method been tested over time? The Mind Force Method has been tested and used for the last 20 years by hundreds if not thousands of men and women from all over the world
03 Can The Coach/Instructor Perform at a High Level and Get YOU Results?
Does the instructor put more importance on certificates they have earned, than actually being able to use energy or mind force at a high level?
04 Is it a Complete Method?
If you put in the proper time, will you learn a method that is complete and covers all 6 pillars of true power--> Quantum Qigong, Esoteric Meditation, Healing Methods, Manifestation & Abundance, Mindset Domination?
05 Is There a Systematic Approach to Have Major Breakthroughs?
Does the course or instructor offer a systematic approach to getting you specific results that you desire (See our 9 Step Process).
06 Does the Coach/Mentor Understand Both Positive & Negative Side Effects?
Does the course or instructor fully understand the possible side effects involved in using Qi Energy & Mindset Domination?
Tested Methods of Qi Energy & Mind Force Methods That Infuses Your Body & Mind with Health, Vitality, Power, Clarity & Mindset Domination...
In fact, the Book entitled " The Chi Power Blueprint" that comes with the course has probably 10-15 different methods of energy cultivation alone. These methods segmented out are a lifetimes worth of study and they will be at your disposal 24 hours per day, 7 days a week.
Once you get them to work for you...LOOK OUT!
Valuable information like this doesn't come around every day, so take advantage of this now and really begin to see the value of this offer...
I'll tell you, all of the information contained in this course is priceless and will cause you to experience what it will feel like to know that you have all of the skills right at your disposal to massively succeed with energy development and building a more healthy, robust life...
This mind blowing course comes complete for your immediate electronic download jam packed with the following items:
All documents are Adobe ( PDF format, Audio files are MP3 and zipped with winzip ( These formats can be downloaded for free at aforementioned websites.
Training Curriculum #1: The Chi Power Blueprint System ($97)

We've Jam Packed This System With High Powered & Effective One of a Kind Instruction That YOU Can Immediately Use...
You Get Everything Below For Immediate Download

The Chi Power Blueprint
This is the original best selling blueprint for Chi Power development that thousands have used all over the world. This single manual provides more actionable techniques, methods and strategies than other full blown courses. This can also be purchased separately.

Beautiful Chi Power Poster of the Internal Organs
Hi res poster that you can use to visualize the internal organs. Once you understand the concept of "Organ Balancing" you will appreciate this even more.

Reference Sheets Covering Several Topics
We leave no stone unturned when it comes to helping you to ramp up your chi to the maximum.

Chi Power Video Training
This hands on training is like having an instructor teaching right in front of you.

Super Bonus #1- Two Hours of Additional Training Concepts
Years ago, we decided to gather up the top questions asked about Chi Power Plus and distill these questions into the 23 most asked questions.
This bonus 2 hours+ is like having a personal mentoring call with an instructor to answer any of your questions about Chi Power Plus… These questions are answered in 23 MP3 files that you can immediately download to get all of the information.
My personal opinion, is this is the best addition we’ve made to this training in years. This will cut down your time to get things to work and you’ll see the benefits and value of Chi Power Blueprint much more clearly.

Super Bonus #2- Chi Power Seminar
Just Released & Added To This Offer. Went back to the archives and found a good seminar we had done for us years ago, but is still totally relevant today.
Chi Power Plus Book Audio Seminar in MP3 Format
This information has never before been released… This seminar goes into details of the Chi Power Plus Book like never before.
You will discover how to get the techniques to work as well as the very special breathing methods of the course.
This seminar will not only blow your mind, but will open your eyes to the true abilities of the CHI POWER PRACTITIONER!
Curriculum #2- The Advanced Chi Video ($97)

Learn Simple But Powerful Exercises And Techniques That Will Increase Your Ability To Manipulate & Emit Stronger Chi
Since 1997, The Advanced Chi DVD/Video has been the leading energetic workout in the world. Thousands of copies sold at a price of $250!
Those interested in boosting their energy in an exponential way gladly paid $250 for one DVD.
Now we are releasing a digital version of it for a lot less.
The Advanced Chi Power Video twill show you secret powerful chi exercises, some of which have never been taught to the general public until now! These "hidden" methods of energy cultivation can be yours with this groundbreaking video.
"Many of our customers train with other Chi Kung methods that provide a good base of training, so naturally when they train with our methods they are blown away with the positive results that they start to see almost immediately"
The new Advanced Chi Power Video (in digital download format, nothing will be shipped to you) is the very same as when it was released in 1997 and shows you how to substantially increase your ability to project or emit chi energy.
The key to emitting stronger chi from the body is a result of increasing the size and density of your body's nerve fibers and increasing the PSI (pounds per square inch) inside the body.
This increases the electro-magnetic out put of your body, leading to stronger chi projection. These and many other concepts are covered in detail on this video
"Some of the most scientifically advanced exercises ever developed are now being taught on this video".
Mastering the Power just got Easier
These powerful methods are demonstrated in an easy to understand format which you can follow right along with the video! You will learn Yin and Yang exercises which compliment each other, teaching your body a totally balanced training regiment, which energizes your body with each workout.
Also covered are possible side effects (both good and bad) which can occur from this type of high level training method. Learn what to look out for and how to avoid or get rid of the bad side effects while accentuating the good ones.
This method trains your entire body so that your chi channels can open at a gradual rate throughout your body, allowing your body to adapt to the increased pressure. It teaches you to open up the torso, arms, legs and head equally, so there is an even flow with no chi stagnation in any one body area. Here is just some of the concepts you will learn on this video:
You Get Everything Below For Immediate Digital Download

Advanced Chi Video
You will feel the energy with this training. In fact, if you are sensitive enough you'll feel it coming right through the video. Sounds crazy, but that how energy works and now you'll have the unfair advantage that very few have outside of our students and instructors.

Advanced Chi Outline of Training Routine & Notes
Breaks down the entire routine in exact order of how you are to perform each exercise and for how long. Over the years, we've had people try and steal these notes to find out what exactly makes this video training so special.
Curriculum #3- The Sequence Master Class ($497)

The Next Level of High Intensity Qi Development
The biggest ask over the years, is when are you going to have an advanced version of The Chi Power Blueprint?
Finally in 2016 I decided to create what I called THE SEQUENCE MASTER CLASS. It was created to fill in all the gaps from the Chi Power Blueprint and Advanced Chi video with some startling new methods to create even greater Qi energy.
One of the core concepts we teach is that you always have to be growing and learning, assessing what works and what can work better.
This is the updated Qi training with all the significant new learnings.
You need to always be learning and discovering new concepts, methods and techniques that bring you into the future.
Look at any professional sport today and then roll back the clock 100 year and you can see the advancements in equipment as well as strategy.
The same thing is true with energy development, and we have your back.
Just a Few of The Mind-Boggling Methods You'll Discover
You Get Everything Below For Immediate Digital Download

Module #1-Cultivating Vital Energy with The Triad Method Phase I
The key of this training is understanding how all 3 pieces of the Triad Method tie together and how you can begin immediately to get the benefits.

Module #2-Building Up Massive Amounts of Qi & Mind Force with "The Sequence"
You'll discover some nuances to qigong exercises that you've never known, even if you've been practicing for 20 years. This is the start of methods that drastically reduce the time it takes to build etheric energy.

Module #3-Creating High Voltage Mechanisms for Building Dynamic Qi
Creating "Dynamic" Qi is a secret that only the very best practitioners even know about. This method allows you to always be in a building phase with your Qi to be able to use for manifestation, creation or healing.

Module #4-The Secret Software to Create Your Own High Powered Sequence
Use technology to build your Mind Force and Qi Energy in a way that will allow you to grasp the concepts at an even more profound level-- THIS IS A GAME CHANGER!
Curriculum #4- The Dark-Side of Mind Force & Qi Energy Master Class ($497)

Can You Defend Yourself Against Someone Trying to Manipulate Your Energy, Your Mind or Both?
Have you ever felt like someone put the "Kibosh" on your energy? Or felt like something was holding you back from making the right decision? Or having sleepless nights because of "The Night Terrors"?
These could just be some common irritations, but they could also be very deliberate attacks on you!Please know there are people out there who have skills and will mess with you...
Cause you harm...
Try to control you, manipulate you...
It happens every single day...
And to the person who is trained in Mind Force or Quantum Qigong, these skills can be Omnipotent...
Which means you've got supreme skills, mad skills if you will...
Ones that can be used for good or evil intentions...
Energetic, Mental, Emotional, & Spiritual Manipulation is Real
Are you serious about learning some really cool techniques to defend against these crazy kinds of Mental, Physical and Spiritual attacks?
I usually don't do this, but I'm opening the closed door and letting you take a peek inside. Inside of how energy and mental manipulation works.
This training is so hot because very few people even know about it, let alone have the real skills to defedn against darksided attacks.
This is not your warm and fuzzy training, this is how to not only defend against a preditor but use their own techniques against them.
And in some cases destroy their life just like they try to do to you.
This is no joke and is only for reasonable adults who are mentally stable. If I find out otherwise you will not be able to get access.
And the only way I know how to teach you how to protect yourself is to teach you the extremely manipulative and even ruthless methods taught to me by masters of the Qi arts and sciences.
This is "Not so nice guy training" (or woman if you're female). This is understanding how to use maximal Qi and Mind Force to dismantle, wreck, ruin and shatter someone if they ever try to use it on you.
Too much?
Well if someone broke into your house at night and tried to cause you or your family harm, would you take them out? Could you take them out?
Sometimes to combat evil, you have to get deadly serious about it.
You're probably thinking, what a bunch of bull, right?
However, I've been attacked before psychically, mentally, physically and even spiritually from those who wanted to hurt me.
And until I discovered how to defend myself, I was a potential target for some devious person, just the same as you are right now without this vital information.
You Get Everything Below For Immediate Digital Download

Module #1-Cultivating Vital Energy with The Triad Method Phase I
The key of this training is understanding how all 3 pieces of the Triad Method tie together and how you can begin immediately to get the benefits.

Module #2-Building Up Massive Amounts of Qi & Mind Force with "The Sequence"
You'll discover some nuances to qigong exercises that you've never known, even if you've been practicing for 20 years. This is the start of methods that drastically reduce the time it takes to build etheric energy.

Module #3-Creating High Voltage Mechanisms for Building Dynamic Qi
Creating "Dynamic" Qi is a secret that only the very best practitioners even know about. This method allows you to always be in a building phase with your Qi to be able to use for manifestation, creation or healing.

Module #4-The Secret Software to Create Your Own High Powered Sequence
Use technology to build your Mind Force and Qi Energy in a way that will allow you to grasp the concepts at an even more profound level-- THIS IS A GAME CHANGER!
By the way: These3 Boot Camp/Master Classes are the same ones from my $3,200 "Up-Level Control" Coaching system.
You'll Learn How to Build Your Qi Physically & Then Deliver it Both Mentally & Spiritually
Once you tap into the MIND FORCE METHOD framework, you'll realize the true power you possess...
Regardless... Your experience, your age, or overall situation, this can work for you...
Discover how you will learn to develop and tonify your Qi, open up your psychic awareness, access your mindset domination, manifest abundance and heal yourself and others..
We’ve broken the workshop down into 6 main "concepts" and 4 main “mediums” for you to get support

Building high quality energy to create robust vitality and health. Everything in life is energy and knowing how to control the Yang & Yin is a secret that many masters went to the grave with.

Learning Focus & Relaxation as well as getting some unique techniques like OBE and Lucid Dreaming to work for you (if you want). This is often overlooked but is very important

You are "THE CONTROLLER" and can impact every aspect of your life by how you think and what you think. So powerful that you can use it like a double edged sword that can serve you or destroy you. How you think about yourself, your value, and how you get shit done — very important)

Super charged "Self Awareness that allows you to know there is always more than meets the eye. Developing a keen sense of your own self awareness and seeing beyond the "known" into the "unknown". Open up your third eye of power to become more intuitive and perceptive.

You are a healer... Learn how you can impact through Mental, Emotional, Physical healing. Everyone needs to be healed and discover your healing gifts.

How to attract the things you desire. More than money, more than health, this is the generator and integrator of the mind, body and spirit. Discover the real secrets to creating abundance in all you do. Never let this be a worry again.
These Are The Secrets That Many "Masters" Went to Their Graves With...
For over 20 years, I've been seeking, researching and discovering these MIND-BODY-SPIRIT secrets. Now they can be yours!
That's Good News...Want Even Better News?
Over the years I’ve created over 20 different books, manuals, boot camps and systems to deliver high quality content and training…
These products have been sold all over the world and many of them are best sellers. When I decided to create the MIND FORCE METHOD 12 Week Immersion System, I was trying to think of a way to provide even more value than ever before…
When I first came out with the very successful Chi Power Inner Circle back in 2008, we had no idea how well it would be received. Most people that got in at that time, got some great info for signing up, but you my friend are going to get the most comprehensive training ever, and do you want to know why?

The Best Selling Mind Force Library is included with this offer and stands out as the most comprehensive library of esoteric training manuals of it's kind. Even if you didn't get access to the complete 12 Week Immersion System, you should own a copy of THE MIND FORCE LIBRARY
Not Only That, I'm Going To Include All of My Current Courses, Boot Camps & Master Classes
That’s right… Every manual, every boot camp, every MP3 file, every video, every last ounce of training power that I have in my arsenal of high powered training methods… I am leaving no stone unturned for you… You get everything!
That’s Over $4,000 If Purchased Separately!
I want to make sure that everyone has access to everything in the system… My promise to you is that it will be the most comprehensive training and I will prove it to you.
A True "Value Stacked" Proposition
The value is so immense it will take you a lot more than 12 weeks to master these concepts, methods and techniques. Now you'll have your pathway to the most amazing esoteric training of a lifetime.
Over $4,000 When purchased separately

Advanced Chi DVD– $249
Advanced Chi DVD Volume 2- $297
Chi Power Stick DVD- $197
Chi Power Blueprint system– $97
Mind Force Library- All 13 Manuals- $97
Internal Power Centers– $97
Mind Portal– $97
Mind Force Attraction– $97
Dim Mak– $47
Manipulation Course– $147
Ultimate Hypnotic Influence– $147
Control Factor (self hypnosis)- $97
Rapid Fire Hypnosis– $47
Hypnotic Influence Boot Camp (3 payments of $67)- $201
Power of the Mind System– $47
Goal Getting System– $27
The Hypnotic Abundance Affect– $100
Primordial Protocol Master Class- $497
Mind Force Attraction Master Class- $497
The Qi Sequence Master Class- $497
The Dark Side of Mind Force & Qi- $497
Total- $4,076
If I were just offering those training systems alone for the price I am you’d be getting a great deal…However, this is really just the tip of the iceberg because there is so much more inside of The Inner Circle Immersion System. So, you’re probably wondering what comes in The Inner Circle Immersion System?
Can You Handle 12 Weeks of More Power?
In addition to all the training seen above, you are going to have a customized curriculum that leads to certification as a MIND FORCE QUANTUM QIGONG SPECIALIST. This alone is worth the entire cost of the workshop.
You'll have unlimited email access to get answers to your questions
You'll have access to all 6 Mind Force Pillars. Your path to a more amazing life is right here.
We value your feedback on how we can make this even better for the future.
It Works Because of "The Triad System"
Astounding Concepts, Methods & Techniques That Work Like The Midas Touch Contained in "The 12 Week Immersion System"
The "12 Week Immersion System" is a very specific pathway for you to get results. Each module has been designed to meet you at your needs depending on a few things.
Most people have two big questions-- "How fast will it take to get results?" and "How much is this going to cost me and can I afford it?"
Most people are budget conscious, but would pay to get the kind of skills I’m talking about.
You'll discover HIGH PERFORMANCE Esoteric Skills that have not been taught outside of my personal students and instructors. In fact many of my personal instructors to this day won't speak to me or even utter my name to their students because I've revealed these methods to others...
Many of these masters went to their grave thinking their secrets would not be revealed...
I made a promise that if I could get to a high enough level, I would share these things with the world...It's kind of my way of giving back-- More on that later...
The Next Level of High Performance--Here is a Small Sample of Skills You'll Discover
- How to Use the Chi Power Blueprint for Maximum effectiveness
- The keys to pumping up your Qi like a "human dynamo"
- The Astonishing Yin & Yang Methods of the Advanced Chi System
- Learn The Power of Autosuggestion
- Discover the key ways to feed your mind the outcomes you want in life
- Become a Controller through MINDSET DOMINATION
- Once you gain control of yourself, you can then control others.
- Hypnosis Secrets Revealed
- Unlock the keys of master mentalists and hypnotists
- Meditate For Mastery with my truly unique system
- Discover why meditation can be your key to the universe
- Create Internal Mind Force that works like magic
- Everyone talks about physical power. Learn why Internal power is so far greater
- Discover 3rd Eye Power and how to use it
- Once you open up the 3rd eye, you will understand many of the mysteries of this world
- Remote Viewing Training Made Simple
- Psychic spying and other useful skills. The government does, it now you can too.
- Remote Sensing Skills That You Won't Believe
- Feel what is going on around you at all times. Sense danger, good fortune & other sensory perceptions
- Manifest the desires of your heart
- Learn how to attract whatever you want, when you want it.
- Create a Mind Machine to target your goals with greater accuracy
- Once you understand you already have the tools, you can perform perfectly
- Subliminal Suggestions-Find out how to use them in all areas of your life
- Learn step by step systems for creating wealth and obtaining your goals.
- Rapid Induction Methods That Work Instantly
- Learn how to help someone quit bad habits, like smoking or to lose weight
- Complete Mind Force & Power Training
- From beginner to advanced, find out the many ways your mind can be used
- Once you learn the "Confidence Generator", you'll never be the same
- This little known technique will allow you to increase your confidence tenfold
- Hypnotic Devices That actually work
- 12 Devices that will change the way you look at hypnosis forever
- Out of Body Experiences and how you can do them
- Can you gently lift the spirit out of the body? We show you how.
- Learn how to use your ESP like a Real Psychic
- Find out how you can get your sensitivity to increase exponentially with some of these potent exercises
- And much more information than you can shake a stick at......
Discover Why Thousands of Men & Women From All Over the World Have Successfully Used This System
Introducing: The Mind Force 12 Week Inner Circle Accelerated Immersion System

12 Weeks vs 12 Months
when the Inner Circle was first conceived back in 2008, it was a monthly membership. Although the students loved the content, many of them wanted to learn at a faster pace.
Some where already successful Qigong Practioners, Reiki Masters, Healers, and we even had a Monk who was part of the Inner Circle.
The most common sense thing to do was to create an accelerated path for everyone to follow. This is the culmination of that.
Phase I- Inner Circle
- Breathing techniques (Buddhist & Taoist)
- Buddhist (Belly Breathing)
- Taoist Breathing (Reverse Breathing)
- Repelling Qi-Yang
- Attracting Qi-Yin
- Keeping the Internal Organs balanced
- The Different Levels of Energy
- Qigong Alchemy
- Secrets of Meditation
- Qi Tension Exercises
- How to create energy instantly
- Explanation of Yin and Yang Energies
- The concept of building up nerve fibers
- Blood Washing Exercise
- Standing Meditation
- Lying Down Meditation
- Sitting Meditation–
- Bone Marrow Energy Packing
- Creating Vitality
- How to increase health
- Power of the Immune System & Endocrine Glands
- Performance for sports
- Sexual Performance
- Creating a Powerful Morning Ritual
- Qi Voice- Using the Voice as a powerful mechanism
- Mind and Qi
- Different Standing Postures
- Qi & Mind Force Manipulation
- Projecting Energy
- Manifesting with Energy & Mind Force
- Psychic Perception
- Spiritual Travel & OBE
- Micro Cosmic Orbit
- Covert Hypnosis
- Time Control
- Sounds, Colors, Smells & Qi Integration
- Qi Infusion techniques (room control-shaking hands-healing- emotions)
- How to see auras
- Specifics for Men
- Specifics for Women
- Night-Time Training
- Day-Time Training
- Sample Qi workouts
- Psychic Sensitivity
- Building Self Esteem & Power
- Building a Love Energy
- How to Master Emotions
- How to Overcome Fears & Phobias
- Mind and Thought Control
- Secrets to Longevity
- Wealth Creation
- Healing Mastery
- And a Whole Lot More…
Discover The Keys That Until Now Were Only Available To Secret Societies…
The 12 Week Inner Circle Immersion System Will Enable You To Create a Higher Level of Qi Than Any Other Book, CD, DVD or Curriculum…Guaranteed! Our New training system is going to take the techniques, concepts and methods taught in our previous courses and totally enhance them. Not to mention, we are going to add more exercises and techniques than you can shake a stick at!
I can promise you, there will be no better way to develop your chi energy than what we are providing in The Inner Circle Immersion System…
You see, with The Inner Circle Immersion System, we are going to build on what you have already learned or are learning with our first set of products. You will get all the help you need in order to create a new you…
Now, The Secrets of Qi & Mind Force Manipulation are Available For YOU…
This curriculum is the finest Mind Force and Quantum Qigong Training program on the market, and we guarantee it will teach you how to become more energized and create more vitality in your life.
The 12 Week Accelerated Immersion System brings to you an enormous opportunity to easily learn how you can master the power of your mind, body and spirit in the privacy of your own home.
Even with a personal instructor, the concepts, methods and approaches in this program would take you a minimum of 2-5 years just to mentally compile this information….Let alone master it and that is if you can even find someone that will teach you!
Now this information is at your fingertips when you join Today… This program is a multifaceted curriculum of highly effective and advanced methods, exercises and meditations from some of the most esoteric schools of energy development in the world. Many of the techniques you will learn are not known outside of our instructors and students.
Certification as a Mind Force & Quantum Qigong Specialist After You Complete The Full Curriculum & Complete The Certification Process…

Once you complete the curriculum and pass the certification qualifications, you will receive a certification from The International Society of Mind Force & Quantum Qigong Specialists affirming that you have completed the full system. * All certifications require that you complete the entire curriculum and are a member in good standing.
That’s Incredible, But How Much Is The Investment to Work with You?
For my private and semi private coaching and mentoring I'm not cheap, but I get amazing results and "High Performance People" will pay for speed and results...
This workshop is dirt cheap by comparison, but is priced so that you will take it serious and do the work to get results...
Today, you can get access and get some amazing bonuses
Get Access Today for a Fraction of What This Will Cost You in The Future... If You Don't Act Today!

So, you’re getting the top techniques that you just can’t find anywhere else, put together in a comprehensive system that allows you to work at your own pace, and still provides the skills you need. Some of the skills are not easily found, so the value to calculate is quite hard, but I would imagine you could spend tens of thousands of dollars travelling all over the world looking for this very same information that is right now in front of you…
Your Members Benefits at a Glance
The 12 Week Accelerated Immersion System Is a Special Offer and We Are Not Offering a Guarantee or Refund Policy-- Absolutely No Exceptions
Due to the secretive nature of this training and the fact that I’m opening up my entire system for a fraction of it’s original cost, I’m not offering any kind of guarantee or refund on this offer. If you are unsure of this, then you can purchase one of the offers which do carry a 30 day Money Back Guarantee, but at the regular price.
I think this is more than reasonable and fair...
YES! I Want Instant Access Now!

I agree to the terms below and understand that there are no refunds for this offer. – I Want To Take Advantage Of Your Extremely Generous Offer For The Inner Circle Immersion System Coaching Now Before it closes. I fully understand I get everything promised and exactly what I need to start creating incredible energy
3 Great Options to Choose From
Inner Circle Monthly
Complete Access to Phase I Material for Certification & Validation 12 month Curriculum
12 Week Immersion/ 12 Month Inner Circle 1:1 Coaching Workshop
This is the 12 Week Transformation Package for High Performers. Plus One Full Year Inner Circle Access
or 3 Payments of $697
12 Week Accelerated Immersion (Self Paced)
You get everything that you get in the full system with the exception of the (3) 1:1 coaching sessions with Sifu Al Perhacs and (3) Master Classes. This is Self Paced, but contains all the same tools.
or 3 Payments of $397
What People Are Saying About These Methods

“Repels Attackers With The Qi”
“My name is Charles Dragoo and I have been a practitioner of the Chi-Power Blueprint & Inner Circle now for Many Years. I am a Martial Arts Instructor, teaching Wing Chun and the Internal Arts. I want to say that the Chi-Power Plus program will get you the desired results in the shortest amount of time. As a result of the training in the Chi-Power System, I can do many things that others only dream of doing. I can use the Chi to repel an attacker from a distance of 15 to 20 feet, Manipulate the movements of others using Chi, Move objects such as Cotton Balls hanging from a string, Run very long distances with no wear down, heal myself and others of pains, minor or major, and much, much more… To me, the most important area of the Chi-Power is the Standing Meditation and the Blood Washing. The Blood Washing can be done physically or with the mind alone. I have just began doing it with only my mind and the results are amazing. If you would like to experience any the above, please try it out and see for yourself that it Really works. Sincerely, Charles Dragoo, South Carolina
Charles Dragoo, Instructor

“Oh Yeah, She Felt The Qi”
“Message: OMG!!!!! yes i felt your Qi. WOW I have to share this with you. I have been in the “rapid spiritual weightloss” and OMG I am having muscle twitches like mad and also blow light in house daily along with circuit breakers and phone lines.THis all suddenly started. so i left amessage on a blog and it led me too you. Love and Light….”
- From an Email

“He Has Trained With Many High Level Masters"
For any serious inner energy cultivator/practitioner, The Inner Circle is the real deal! I have studied with Indonesian Tenaga Dalam (Inner Energy) masters for five years and by far The Inner Circle System training methods have provided me the missing key that I was looking for.
The techniques given seem “simple” at first glance, but sure deliver! Sifu Perhacs definitely knows what he is doing. He provides a safe way to increase one’s energy without the dangerous side effects associated with energy cultivation. I have seen and felt the energy increase in my own training to validate their program.
In my past training, I have experienced many different kinds of techniques and these methods are so efficient that I can practice anywhere and on the go. As for starters, the methods are practical and so useful that they benefit one’s health and vitality right away.
Also, the knowledge included in the courses is so valuable for any serious student of the arts to not pass up. To reinstate again, everything that they offer is really true! A true gem especially in the midst of so many so called energy programs and you don’t have even leave for a foreign country to study.
- CO/Indonesia
The 12 Week Inner Circle Accelerated Immersion Contains Secrets
Others will pay a lot more than you will today, so take advantage of this special offer, you'll be glad you did.
After the 12 weeks is complete you will have the opportunity to be tested and then certified through our state of the art online video testing procedure.
Once you are certified in this Phase I Curriculum, you will be eligible for THE CLOSED DOOR (Phase II) & CLOSED DOOR INSTRUCTORS (Phase III) programs.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

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A Few More Testimonials to Prove it Works for Real People

“Using Energy & Mind Force to Implant Thnoughts?"
Maybe this was luck, maybe Manipulation.
I did the dumbest things ever. I wanted to see how fast I would launch 5.7 V8. I ended up doing 96kmh in an 80kmh zone. Only for a split second or so. The next thing, blue lights start to flash, oh no the cops, I am way over the speed limit no chance of getting out of this. In Australia they will fine you for going 82kmh in an 80 zone no excuses. Cops simply don't let people off. To make things worse, I did not have my drivers licences or any ID on me. Now I'm in trouble.
The police officer approached me, I stated "I am so sorry I never speed this wanted to see how fast it would accelerate for a few seconds, I was speeding a bit wasn't I" The officer stated, "Yep 96kmp in a 80 zone".
I then stated "This is the dumbest thing in my life, you've don't it before, you know youjust want to plant your foot down and see the car accelerate for a few seconds, but your a careful driver. It's just one of those guy things that you do once every three or so months, so just let me go....
The police officer paused for two seconds as if something had registered in his brain and said"Yes I know what you are talking about please don't do it again, drive safely and have a good day". No ticket
I am not going to speed again.
Rodney D.
- Australia

“Now is The Time to Take Action..."
"I just want to say thanks for the mind force method...
It is like I've been waiting my whole life for these techniques and I don't know if I'm ready, but I'm going to make it happen."
Marlie S.
- California
Sifu Al Perhacs
Author, Creator, Visionary
Sifu Al Perhacs
Sifu Al Perhacs has been training in the esoteric arts for over 20 years. He started out as a martial artist and quickly moved to the internal side of training. He has written over 20 different courses of study and currently has 5 best selling books.
He is the Author, Creator and Visionary behind the Mind Force Method.
He is also the first person to create an online training curriculum for the advancement of Mind Force and Quantum Qigong.
He is the author and curator of 13 best selling books included in the Mind Force Library.
These Secrets Can Now Be Yours...
I’m giving you the secrets that would normally take you years to just compile….Here it is right at your finger tips… The 12 Week Inner Circle Accelerated Immersion is in fact “The Total System’ that you will come to rely upon for your training needs. This can be yours… This is a great chance for you to get all of these phenomenal skills and instruction that might otherwise cost you thousands upon thousands of dollars and years of trial and error. This is what you’ve been seeking.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When Do I Get Access?
What courses should I focus on prior to the class?
Is There an Age That is Too Young or Too Old?
I've Already Gone Through Some of These Courses, How Will This Be Any Different?
How Many Weeks is Accelerated Immersion Workshop?
How Should I Prepare for the Training?
Do I Need to Have Experience with Mind Force or Esoteric Principles?
Is This The Only Training I Need or Will There Be More?
Advantages vs Disadvantages
There are reason why you should do this and those that you shouldn't. Here is a list of Pros & Cons that might help you to make your decision to invest in this incredible workshop.
Who Is This For?
This course is not for everybody, you must be willing to commit to the training that will get the best results.
Up-Level Control is for "Elite" High Performance men and women & those who want to be. If you desire to learn how to become a new more powerful version of yourself, then don't delay and register today...

Here's a "What You Get"

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

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Your Satisfaction is Guaranteed
I guarantee you'll see results providing you follow the prescribed methods contained in this system. I know this system works as it has for thousands of people from all over the world. If you go through all of the exercises and find they don't work for you, I'll continue to work with you until you get them to work... Most of my clients see results quickly, which means they will start to begin the manifestation process. I will show you exactly what you need to do to get magnificent results!
Commitment: Your "Line in the Sand" for Success
WE PROTECT OUR MEMBERS. Once inside you will be privy to proprietary trade secrets and intellectual property that are immediately valuable and actionable, and there is no way to reclaim them. If people are stealing it, it hurts paying members, and
WE WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN. Giving refunds, after we’ve allowed people into the program, leaves us wide open to illegal use of our valuable material. It’s been too costly to pursue and prosecute, and frankly we just don’t want to spend our time that way.
MIND FORCE UP-LEVEL CONTROL is a killer system and we want to encourage those who are willing to put some skin in the game. It takes a little work and we don’t want to bring people on board who are unwilling to implement…or not coming to the classes…Consider our no refund policy as your “line-in-the-sand” that ensures you follow through and SUCCEED!

P.S.: Going at it alone is not the secret to success. I know from personal experience. My energy took a dramatic turn for the better when I found a mentor who was willing to coach me in my early career. That same opportunity is now open to you. Take my hand right now and I’ll lead you (Even drag you if need be) to become the Controller YOU Deserve to be!
P.P.S. Remember The 12 Week Inner Circle Accelerated Immersion System has worked for thousands of men and women from all over the world. You have everything to gain. The risk is squarely on my back. There’s no easier and faster way to learn the Secrets of Mind Force & Quantum Qigong…So what’s holding you back? Claim Your Access to this Today!
P.P.P.S. If you have any questions about The Inner Circle call me at 609-638-8850 from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday, or contact our Support Desk By Clicking Here.
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