After much debate, the 12 Week Accelerated Inner Circle Immersion Workshop is here. Click on the button below for more detailed information and pricing.
12 Reasons Why
In prep for launching The New 12 Week Accelerated Immersion System I wanted to give you 9 (mostly random) reasons why you should...
Implement The Mind Force Method into your life...
1. It will decrease the amount of money you will need to spend on esoteric types of training...
2. It will allow you to create a massive amount energy you can use in all areas of your life... Who else wants more vitality, vim and vigor?
In fact, I just shot a video on how the Quantum Qigong energy will work for you magnificently...
Even if you are already a Qi master 🙂
3. It will increase your sensitivity and decrease the amount of hours of training you would need to go through to get these kinds of results.
Why? Because THE MIND FORCE METHOD is based on...
--> Making you feel more alive than ever before--> Ensuring you have the keys to major breakthroughs--> Creating the "connection" and intimacy between your body, mind and spirit-- I know, everyone says that, but THE MIND FORCE METHOD delivers...
I hear my clients saying
"I feel more connected than ever before"...
"I feel like I now have the confidence to make my life real
""This seems to be meant to be
""My energy is at an all time high"
"I've earned more money because I'm now able to focus better"
4. It won't create JUST energy for your life...
It will elevate your personal ability to heal yourself & others...It will give you new perspective on how you can transform...It will give you more than just a routine or ritual of exercises.
5. It will make your health and longevity synch up to a new vibration...
LESS money spent on doctors...LESS money spent on usless courses...LESS needed products and services that don't deliver...LESS... is MORE for getting you the resulst you want.
And that's the goal.
6. It will create a waterfall approach to your life, meaning you will increase your ability to manifest those things you desire now...
and in 3 months...
and in 12 months...
It's based on "THE TRIAD METHOD" of energy development
This isn't your standard qigong or yoga-- It's much more powerful.
Like bringing an Bazooka to a knife fight.
7. The method uses over 20 different science-backed methods of energy, meditation, psychic perception, mindset domination, manifestation and healing that will supercharge you like a human dynamo...
Qi Manipulation is one of them.Mindset Subliminal Domination is another.
This is the stuff that gets you in trouble if you're not careful...
8. You won't need another program or course esoteric energy development, meditation EVER (unless you just want to lean something else)...Because NOTHING is better...
I'm not joking.At least, you won't need a new one until I come out with the next level of awesomeness...
But...this will be good then, too 😉
9. You will be using a method that has been proven to work for thousands of people from all over the world...
Thousands? Yes Thousands. Over the last 20 years, we've touched people from virtually every continent...
Time and time again, this has been used successful to not just build Qi energy awareness but, a legacy and a movement.
10. You can implement in phases and it works based on where you are skill level...
THE MIND FORCE METHOD isn't JUST a training system...
It's a 360 Life strategy...
11. This isn't a fad... there's no "black" magic... this isn't based on lineage or who you trained with, it's based on scientific principles that work as long as you put in the "flight time"...
This is the method that will change your energy, mind force and perception into a "High Vibrancy Attraction Mechanism" for manifestation and abundance...
12. This will allow you to gain the relaxed control and laser like focus to step into a new and more powerful version of yourself.
And what you learn will help you today...and tomorrow...and in 15 years.
That's it.That's all I've got for you.I'm sick of writing reasons.
Basically, if you REALLY want to a massive breakthrough and transformation, you will use this method to do so.
We’ve broken the workshop down into 6 main "concepts" and 4 main “mediums” for you to get support

Building high quality energy to create robust vitality and health. Everything in life is energy and knowing how to control the Yang & Yin is a secret that many masters went to the grave with.

Learning Focus & Relaxation as well as getting some unique techniques like OBE and Lucid Dreaming to work for you (if you want). This is often overlooked but is very important

You are "THE CONTROLLER" and can impact every aspect of your life by how you think and what you think. So powerful that you can use it like a double edged sword that can serve you or destroy you. How you think about yourself, your value, and how you get shit done — very important)

Super charged "Self Awareness that allows you to know there is always more than meets the eye. Developing a keen sense of your own self awareness and seeing beyond the "known" into the "unknown". Open up your third eye of power to become more intuitive and perceptive.

You are a healer... Learn how you can impact through Mental, Emotional, Physical healing. Everyone needs to be healed and discover your healing gifts.

How to attract the things you desire. More than money, more than health, this is the generator and integrator of the mind, body and spirit. Discover the real secrets to creating abundance in all you do. Never let this be a worry again.